Associated Event

Hotel Bonaventure, Montreal, Canada
24–26 September 2024

Numerically Inferred Geotechnical Risk Profiles in High Stress Conditions Workshop

27 September 2024 | Rooms Montreal 2 & 3, Hotel Bonaventure, Montreal, Canada

About the workshop

This workshop shall present a methodology to establish the geomechanical risk profile associated with an underground mining method and sequence based on numerical simulations.  

Geomechanical risks are evaluated from an operational point of view over the entire mine life. Analysis criteria are based on mining-induced stresses and plasticity states within the rock mass at different steps along the extraction sequence. Several aspects (i.e. types of risk) are evaluated: 
– Pre-mining conditions are evaluated for each stope (whether a stope is anticipated to be mined under high stress conditions or under residual conditions). 
– Rock mass conditions are also evaluated around each stope (if dilution is anticipated off the hanging wall, and/or if the stope excavation is likely to trigger an excessive energy release in the surrounding rock mass).  

An analysis methodology will be proposed in this workshop for each of the above aspects. Applied examples and live demonstrations will be presented in which planned mining sequences will be evaluated from a geomechanical perspective. Emphasis will be put on the anticipated operational challenges. 

Who should attend

Mining, rock mechanics and ground control engineers, technologists and technicians, technical personnel involved in long-term mine planning, chief mine engineers, technical superintendents, mine managers, rock mechanics consultants and graduate students may benefit from attending this workshop. Participants must have a basic knowledge of rock mechanics (stress, rock properties) and underground mining engineering. 


Please note this program is subject to change.


Dr Patrick Andrieux – Facilitator and presenter
Principal Engineer

Patrick is a mining engineer with over 35 years of experience in applied mining engineering at operating sites, research and development, instrumentation, technical services and support, and consulting. Patrick has been involved in over 450 projects at more than 150 mine sites worldwide. He has authored over 55 published technical articles.  

Amélie Ouellet
Principal Engineer

Amélie is a geological engineer. Her areas of specialisation are rock engineering in support of underground mine design, advanced numerical modelling and the development of engineering geology models. Amélie has pioneered the development of risk profiles now routinely produced by A2GC. She has taught rock mechanics at École Polytechnique de Montréal and in multiple professional training sessions. 

Cyrille Séguineau de Préval
Senior Engineer

Cyrille is a project engineer with a strong theoretical background in mathematics and physics. He is involved in the development of advanced analysis techniques. His areas of interest are rock mass peak and post-peak properties, seismic rock mass responses and advanced numerical analyses. He has more than 10 years of experience in process engineering and formal risk assessment studies.